Geography & Land Use
Here are a few of the projects and initiatives I've worked on.

Great Bear Rainforest Agreement
An epic, consensus-based land use planning process for a 6.4 million hectare part of our coastline. A transformative experience for all, going from dysfunctional conflict in 1996 to a vision for a conservation-based economy with Coastal First Nations as the rightful title holders in 2001, to BC-to-First Nations negotiations for 15 more years. I was a volunteer negotiator for backcountry recreation and tourism.
Photo: Scott Forsyth

Grizzly bear trophy hunt ban
A 20+ year effort by all walks of life and types of communities in British Columbia, Canada that successfully got killing grizzly bears for sport banned here on Nov 30, 2017. In this collaborative effort, everyone had a role. Mine as an ecotourism entrepreneur was to, with my colleagues, explain the value of keeping bears alive and how it by orders of magnitude outweighed the value of killing them (not to mention ethical considerations).
Photo: Kevin Smith

marine debris removal initiative
I worked with my colleagues in the Small Ship Tour Operators Association of British Columbia to conceive, pitch, fund, plan, manage, carry out and assess the biggest marine debris clean-up in BC's history. We worked with 6 Nations (Heiltsuk, Kitasoo/Xai'Xais, Gitga'at, Wuikinuxv, Gitxaala and Nuxalk), the BC Ministry of Environment, Telus, Airspan Helicopters, Heiltsuk Horizon, [add others here]. Oh, and we saved our companies and 100+ jobs during the COVID-19 pandemic. Photo: Simon Ager
We all want to do more to protect our coast from marine debris. If you would like to collaborate on funding more, or on hosting a speaker from the group, contact me below.

Wilderness tourism association of bc
For 20 years I served this venerable organization as a board member and president. The Wilderness Tourism Association of BC (WTA) is a non-profit organization that provides leadership, advocacy, stewardship, education and marketing support to wilderness-based tourism operators. Our members represent a wide range of iconic, world-class wilderness tourism experiences across BC, from multi-day expeditions and wildlife tours to remote ranches and luxury resorts. The WTA community is a powerful network of eco-tourism leaders, each with a unique story and connection to the land.
Photo: Chris Borchert